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Friday, November 5, 2010

First smile!

I finally made my girl smile in response to me! I was just looking at how cute she is so I got the camera. Apparently she likes the camera because she started smiling when I was trying to get her to look at it! It happened 3 times before I could get a good shot. Beautiful girl!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Tyler has been having problems at his job for a couple of years now but we have just stuck it out for personal reasons. Since Ella was born, though, Tyler has worked maybe 2 or 3 days, so we knew it was time to make a change. Tyler's cousin, Will, has been wanting Tyler to go trucking with him for awhile now but we hadn't taken him up on the offer because we didn't really want to move. However, desperate times call for desperate measures so Tyler has started trucking as of today.

I have been pretty upset about all of this for a lot of reasons.
1. I'm not a fan of moving.
2. I don't want to leave all of my friends.
3. I like my job.
4. I love College Station.
5. Tyler will be gone a lot.
6. My hormones are still out of whack. lol.

We went to San Saba this last weekend to figure out where we would live and we lucked out! We found the cutest little house in Cherokee for next to nothing. I am so excited about this! It's about 20 minutes from my parents' house and 5 minutes from Tyler's parents' house. The holidays are going to be so much easier since we won't have to travel. So nice! Everything seems to be working out so far and it makes me feel a little better. But when I came home to College Station yesterday without Tyler, I felt this sense of emptiness. Our family just doesn't feel whole without him. I miss him so much already. This will be hard for us but I think it's what is best for now. If I can get a teaching job in August, he can afford to take a pay cut if he has to in order to work somewhere in town.

Since Tyler isn't here, I am having to pack up everything and tie up our loose ends here by myself and so far, I'm not being very successful. It's so hard to get anything done when I have Ella to look after. She is all-consuming! I am praying so hard for the strength to get through all of this. I know it will be great for us in the long run. Being near your family is priceless.

Oh yeah...went to the doctor today for my post-partum checkup and I have been cleared to resume normal activities. I've never been so excited to have someone tell me I can exercise! I just can't wait to get rid of this flab and the extra 15 pounds I still need to lose from pregnancy. Wish me luck!

ER visit

This is a little late because I've been so busy but here is our scary story!

We went to the doctor on October 20 for her 2 week check up. I tried to feed her right before we went but she was soo asleep and wouldn't eat so of course when we get there she is screaming because she's so hungry. The doctor commented on her bloated belly and said that if it got worse to call. I mentioned that the day before she had been projectile spitting up but again, she said it was ok but if it continued, to bring her back in. I let her snack a little and then we had to go to the lab so they could do the little heel stick. That set her off again and she just cried and cried so much!

When we got home, I changed her diaper and she began to projectile vomit. Not spit up, VOMIT. She then began to throw up stomach acid. My poor little baby looked like she was foaming at the mouth! When she ran out of things to throw up she started dry heaving. I didn't know what to do, couldn't make her stop. I was terrified. I thought she was dying, seriously. I called my mom because I didn't know what else to do and she said to call the doctor so I did. They put me on hold FOREVER after I told them what was going on. They could hear her screaming and still put me on hold for the longest time. Then they tell me to just take her to the emergency room. Well that freaked me out even more. I hysterically call Tyler and tell him I'm on my way to the ER with Ella and he says he's on his way. By the time we get there, she's sleeping and seems just fine. She had no fever or anything. We sit in the ER for 2 hours before we see a doctor. He asks a few questions and then orders an ultrasound. We wait 2 more hours for that. The ultrasound showed that all her little organs are working just fine. The doctor concludes...nothing.

I think that she must have just worked herself up so much at the doctor's office for her checkup that she made herself sick. That's the only thing I can think of. That combined with gas...she has gas issues. We haven't had any problems since. I kinda felt stupid for taking her up there just to find out that nothing's wrong but I'm glad she's ok. I would rather be safe than sorry! I just hope I never have anything like that happen again!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ella's 1st Well Baby Check Up

First of all, I got up at 6 am to feed Ella and it took me all the way until 9 am to just get ready! I couldn't even finish my shower because I could hear her crying! It's so hard to get anything done when you have a newborn. She did sleep much better last night, only waking to eat every 3 hours. I fed Ella just before we left to go to the doctor. Her appointment was at 9 40. I arrived about 10 minutes early to fill out some new patient paper work. They didn't call us in until 10 20! I was so frustrated because by the time we got in to see the doctor, she was starving. She screamed through the whole appointment. I've never seen her cry like that and it just killed me. It wasn't like she was being bad; she was just so hungry and it was all their fault for running late! UGH I was mad!

On the bright side, she is perfect perfect perfect! She is in the 50th percentile in weight and is already back up to her birth weight. She is in the 20th percentile in length so we might have a shorty on our hands! I just feel so incredibly blessed that she is so healthy. There are a lot of sick babies out there that are in my prayers!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ella is home!

Well Ella is giving her mommy a hard time! She is a very good baby. She still hardly cries...only when she's starving or has a dirty diaper. But she's definitely got her days and nights mixed up. She was awake from 2 am to 7 am last night. She wasn't bad, wasn't crying, she was just awake. It was a little frustrating for me because I was so tired but I stayed perfectly calm and just tried to soothe her. She wanted to eat about every hour and a half whereas during the day she will eat every 3 or 4 hours. My milk came in yesterday evening so I think she is just adjusting to that.

I gave her a sponge bath today and she HATED it! It was so hard for me to hear her scream like that. I felt like a mean mommy :(

Normally when she cries it's just one little wail, maybe 2 and as long as you give her what she needs, she's fine. But during her bath as well as when we put her in her carseat, she just cried and cried! Poor baby!

She loves to look at Tyler and I! Last night she would fuss and fuss until I turned the lamp on and peeked in at her. She would just stare at me, perfectly content. She was doing this with Tyler this evening. So cute!

She went to the doctor today for a little check up and she's at 7 pounds, 6 ounces, no signs of jaundice, very healthy little girl! Her daddy is so in love with her! He treats her like a little porcelain's precious. He doesn't want her to ever be even slightly uncomfortable.

We are so lucky to have her!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


On Wednesday morning, October the 6th, we had a scheduled induction because I was due and we didn't want the baby to get too big before I went into labor on my own.

I was at a 4 when I checked in that morning. They started Pitocin at 7 25 am. I began having strong, painful contractions within a few minutes. I had contractions every 2-3 miutes for about 2 hours and then I got an epidural. I was really nervous about getting one but those contractions sure do make you want to get rid of the pain! And let me tell my opinion, the epidural was sooo worth it! All of my anxiety about giving birth went away right along with the pain. I still had some feeling. When I had contractions it was more like strong pressure than pain. I dilated about 2 cm each hour and was at a 10 by 11 00 am . I pushed for about 15 minutes when my doctor told me he needed to use the vacuum to help her out because he had an emergency to get to next door. It worried me but I honestly felt like since my delivery was going so well, and someone else needed him more, that it would be fine. During one push, the vacuum popped off and the doctor almost fell backwards! It really freaked me out...blood splashing around and everything. It was crazy. The next push she came out and sadly, I tore. I was really hoping I wouldn't and I don't think I would have if we could've taken more time for me to gradually push her out.

As soon as I saw her, tears just streamed down my face. When she came out, they plopped her on my belly and I was just so overwhelmed! I wanted to just hug her and kiss her but I wasn't sure if I was 'allowed' since she was still bloody and everything. I didn't know what to do. I bet my face was looking pretty scared! My mom cut the cord and the nurses whisked my Ella away. She was so so pale and blue and didn't cry for what seemed like forever. I asked the nurses if she was ok but no one would answer me. Tyler hurried over and watched as they put the oxygen mask over her face. It was scary but that was all it took and she began to cry. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard!

We brought her home yesterday afternoon and introduced her to our 2 dogs, Max (border collie) and Waylon (rat terrier). Waylon definitely understands his place. He is interested in her but keeps a good distance. As soon as she leaves my lap, he jumps right in it. Max is obsessed with her! He won't stop staring at her, even when she's in her bassinet and he can't even see her! If I'm walking around with her, he is following. It's very sweet but we have to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't get too excited around her. They both slept right outside our bedroom door all night long. Our dogs will have to learn how to spend a little more time outside and less in.

Ella Beth is perfectly healthy. 7 pounds, 11 ounces, 19.5 inches long. She is nursing very well, about every 2 hours throughout the day and about every 3 at night. She hardly cries and is so sweet. I am so in love with her!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Last prenatal doctor's appointment!

I went to the doctor today and I only gained one more pound bringing my weight to 160 total gain is 37 pounds. My bp was normal. Ella's heart rate was in the 140's so she's doing really well, as usual. We decided to set a date to induce...we are inducing first thing Wednesday morning. I really don't want to be induced but I don't want her to get too big and then have to have a c-section. I could still possibly go into labor before Wednesday. I am dilated to 4 cm as of today.

I am so excited to have a date set to meet my baby girl but I'm getting really nervous! I have never been in the hospital for anything. I've (obviously) never had a baby. I just don't know what to expect which is hard for me to handle since I'm a huge control freak! lol! But I am mostly excited and I know that everything will be fine and my baby will be in my arms so soon!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Oh Ella Beth...if you had just come out 2 weeks ago to greet the world, your mommy wouldn't have any stretch marks! Now she will never be able to wear a bikini again!

PS she loves you anyway:)

Monday, September 27, 2010

10 days left!

Wow! I cannot believe that there are only ten days until my due date! I wish I could say that it just flew by but honestly, it has taken FOREVER! I swear, I don't even remember what it's like to not be pregnant!

I had a doctor's appointment today. I only gained ONE pound this week...thank goodness! My BP was normal and Ella's heartbeat was strong at 139 bpm. I went from 1 cm last week to 3 cm today so we are making some progress. The doctor said that we still don't know when she will be born. It could be tonight or next week...there's just no way of knowing. At least the end is in sight!

Friday, September 24, 2010

38 weeks

Well still no baby. It's ok though. I was only so antsy this week because I wanted her to be born on the 23rd. As much as I am ready for it all to be over, I know that it will happen soon enough.

I'm still in a lot of pain as I'm sure I will be for the remainder of this pregnancy. My knees are the newest pain. They ache so much. I have to squat all the time at my job and it kills me! One of these times, I won't be able to stand back up! My boss has been awesome enough to let me leave early every time that they are able to and it's really helped me. I have enough time to relax, take a nap, and get a good walk in before Tyler gets home. Then I have enough energy to tidy up the house and make dinner.

I'm beginning to hate the idea of leaving work. Don't get me wrong, I will absolutely love to stay home with my baby girl for 6 weeks and I know it will be hard to leave her to go back to work, but I love my job! I haven't always loved it, but since I was moved up to be the pre-k teacher, I just love it. I have a lot more support and get to do so much more actual 'teaching' which I am meant to do! I have worked really hard to get these kids on a steady routine and I'm nervous about them sticking to it. I have this huge problem where I find it almost impossible to relinquish control and so I'm hating the idea of not being in my classroom for 6 weeks!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Labor cookies

Just ate some "labor cookies." I'm hoping they work their magic on me. I've been eating spicy food and pineapple, and I spent my kids entire outside play time walking laps on the playground. I really want to have my baby tomorrow so she will have the same bday as my dad! I think it would be really cool. And with the full moon tomorrow maybe it will be my lucky day! .......I seriously doubt it though:(

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Internal (almost 38 weeks)

I had my first internal today and we discovered that I am dilated 1 cm. My doctor said this is really good for a first time mom at this stage of pregnancy and that even though no one knows but God, he predicts I will have her sometime this week. EEK! I'm so excited! He said my cervix is still somewhat "thick." He could feel her head but she hasn't fully dropped just yet. He said this doesn't really mean anything though because a lot of babies don't drop until the last second. I have gained another 3 pounds...I can't believe I'm still gaining so much freakin weight. 3 pounds in one week! That's ridiculous! Total gain: 35 pounds. Brings me up to 158. I officially weigh more than my husband. ugh. BP was good and Ella's heart rate was normal.

I've had lots more aches and pains this week. My back is killing me. I keep having these shooting pains in my hips. And when I walk, I feel like my legs are going to pop out of my hip sockets! So weird! I'm still having some trouble sleeping at night although I think I could probably sleep all day long if I had the opportunity!

Earlier this week, I treated myself to a much needed pedicure and let me tell you, it was the best 35 bucks I've ever spent in my entire life! I was so relaxed I almost feel asleep in the chair. It was amazing. I got my hair trimmed this afternoon because I thought there is no telling when I will have another chance to do it! It looks so healthy. I love it! So now mommy is officially ready for you, sweet baby Ella!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

37 weeks

Had a doctor's appointment yesterday. We did one last growth ultrasound and she's doing great! She is 6 pounds 9 ounces which seems just perfect to me! She could still gain about 2 pounds if she stays in until her due date. She is head down and ready to meet the world! It's just a matter of waiting on my body to get ready! I have gained another 3 pounds bringing me to 155...and a total gain of 32 pounds. I thought you were supposed to level off at the end?!

My feet and hands seem to hurt more and more every second of every day. My feet were so swollen yesterday that my doctor even made a comment about it! He said I need to stay off my feet more. ugh.

This week I have had this sense of urgency to get things done before she gets here. I went to the grocery store to pick up a few things...frozen dinners, grilling foods, etc so that I don't have to cook the first few days at least. I have her diaper bag packed and my hospital bag packed. I organized her closet for the hundredth time! I'm getting a pedicure tomorrow. I haven't had one since the week before I got married...that's a year and a half! I need one badly right feet hurt and my toes need some paint! I haven't been able to reach them comfortably for quite some time now. I plan on getting my hair trimmed either this weekend or beginning of next week. Just trying to get everything done before my sweet baby gets here!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

So blessed!

I had a little baby shower yesterday courtesy of my College Station friends and I think I can officially say I have everything I need for my little girl! I cannot wait for her to get here. It is seriously all I think about these days.

My feet and hands continue to be ridiculously swollen and painful. My back hurts, and I can't sleep at night. I have been getting only about 4 or 5 hours a night this entire week. I just can't get comfortable. And I also feel wide awake as soon as I lay down, even though I'm tired. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's how it is! At least my body is getting used to functioning without much sleep.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Will I ever sleep again?

Sleep has definitely not been easy for most of my pregnancy. With Restless Leg Syndrome, a giant belly, normally being a tummy sleeper, the fact that my body is ALWAYS burning up hot, as well as all the worrying in my brain, I just haven't been able to get much shut eye.

The last few days have been the worst by far though. Last night I didn't fall asleep AT ALL until 5 am. My alarm goes off at 545. You do the math. I was tired when I got home from work but I didn't want to take a nap. I thought a nap would derail another night's sleep. Well here we nap...still no sleep. It's midnight and I've been trying to sleep for 2 hours now. I just feel like crying.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

doctor appt

Went to the doctor today for my regular checkup. Everything was good, as usual. I'm so so blessed! My bp was at 104/56 which I thought was low but apparently my bp has just been a little high the whole time I've been pregnant. Ella's heartbeat was at 135 bpm.

I asked if there was anything I could do about my horribly painful feet and hands and he said it will just gradually go away once she's born. blah. I've also been having this burning sensation right underneath my breasts and at the top of my belly. It's extremely uncomfortable...kinda feels like a sunburn from the inside out. But it's another one of those things I have to suffer through until she is here. I go to the doctor again in 2 weeks for one last ultrasound and then we will discuss labor and delivery options! YAY!!!!!!!

One thing I am not happy about is what that darn scale told me! I'm at 152 pounds! That's a gain of 6 freakin pounds in 2 weeks! What the heck am I doing??!! I'm so afraid of how fat I'm going to be after Ella is born! My total gain is up to 29 pounds now. yuck.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

34 weeks

I have had a ton of swelling this week! My feet have looked like balloons for 5 straight days now. And my hands continue to be swollen and extremely painful. I took a nap yesterday afternoon and when I woke up, I was in so much pain I just started crying! I didn't want to put my feet on the floor or wiggle my fingers because I knew how badly it would hurt. I know I'm blessed to be pregnant but can't it be over yet?!

I had the weirdest dream last boobs started pulsating and then shot out milk all the way up to the ceiling! All the while I'm just freaking out, trying to stop it! So strange!

Not much else to report on this week....6 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

33 weeks

I've been having a ton of contractions the last few days. Monday they were 20 mins apart, Tuesday they were 15 minutes apart, and today they have been 10 minutes apart. I went to the doctor today and he said that as long as they aren't hurting, then I'm fine. I just need to be resting more and staying off of my feet more. yeah...ok. It's impossible to do that when you have my job! That's what I normally love most about my job...the fact that I'm busy all the time and always active. But now it's getting so difficult for me and it's obviously getting harder for my body to handle. I really don't know how to "take it easy." Even at home, I am always running errands, cooking dinner, cleaning, doing laundry. If I don't do it, it won't get done. Trust me, that's exactly what happened during my first trimester when I was puking every 5 minutes. I didn't clean or cook and so it didn't get done. ugh. I just feel like I have too much on my plate right now. I'm feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

On a brighter note, Ella's heartbeat was in the 140's. My bp was normal at 120/72. I only gained a pound and a half since my last appointment bringing me to 146.5 and a grand total gain of 23.5 pounds.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

32 weeks

This last week has been a pretty crazy time in our lives. We unfortunately had to attend the funeral of Tyler's maternal grandma who was one of the most amazing women I've ever known. My heart breaks for his family and for our little Ella who will never know Mamie.

I suffered some pretty severe swelling in my feet and ankles over the weekend. My shoes were cutting into my feet! It was terrible. However, once I started the work week, they went down and haven't ballooned up again. I would think being on my feet so much at work would make them worse but it had the opposite effect for which I am grateful! My hands continue to be swollen and sore though.

Ella has been getting the hiccups for the last couple of weeks. I have forgotten to mention it here. Last night I couldn't fall asleep because she had them consistently for about an hour!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

31 weeks

Went to the doctor today and everything was fine. I gained 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks...I'm at 145 now. My bp was 110/62. Lower than last time which is good...and kinda surprising since I've had a HORRIBLE day! Tyler's grandma suddenly passed away this morning and then I had an awful day at work. My kids gave me such a hard time that I ended up bawling my eyes out around 1:30 this afternoon. I've NEVER done that and I've worked in childcare for 4 years! It was just terrible. I'm so glad it's over. I hope tomorrow is better. We have to drive to San Saba/Brownwood tomorrow afternoon to deal with family stuff in regards to Tyler's grandmother's death, which means I will not be able to attend the childbirth class I have scheduled for Saturday. It's at the free clinic and I can't afford to pay for a childbirth class so I'm screwed on that deal...

We are having a really hard time with money as well. We made enough money this month to pay our bills but we don't have any left to pay for groceries or the doctor. So we have to dip into the miniscule amount of money we have in savings.

We are havind a very hard week. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, July 30, 2010

30 weeks

Well the burst of energy in my second trimester is starting to wane. I could take a nap everyday! At least I'm not sick like I was in the beginning because I felt like a zombie during my first trimester. My body is defnitely starting to feel the weight of this belly! My feet ache constantly, even first thing in the morning. No swelling though! My hands have been swelling a little and I had to stop wearing my rings. My fingers also hurt sooo bad. This just started about 2 days ago and I DON'T LIKE IT! I have finally started having horrible acid reflux/heartburn. I really thought I was going to get out of that one but no such luck. I bought some Tums and that has really helped.

Sleeping continues to be a challenge. My belly makes it hard to get into a comfortable position. Even when I'm on my side, it pulls on my back which hurts like crazy. I can't breathe through my nose. ugh. I have a horrible case of Restless Leg Syndrome. annoying.

Ella stretches out all the time now and she HURTS me. It's a very sharp pain. This just started happening in the last week.

As I read through this I realize it sounds like one long complaint! I guess you can tell I'm ready for my sweet baby to arrive and brighten my world:)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

29 weeks

The picture is sideways but it is her face with her little hands clasped together on the bottom side of her face.

Just got home from the doctor and everything went really well. He told me that I passed my glucose test and that all my blood work came back perfectly normal. No more blood work for me! I did have to get the Rogam shot today since I am RH negative. It hurt much more than I thought it would. My arm is still hurting! The needle was 3 inches long and Tyler said she stuck it all the way in my wonder it hurt! My blood pressure went up a little this time. (I can't remember the exact numbers...damn pregnant brain!) My doctor says this is pretty normal at this stage of pregnancy.

The exciting part was getting to see Ella! Her face is getting so chubby. I love it! She is growing normally. She weighs in at 3 pounds, 2 ounces which is on the large side of average. I'm glad though because if she comes early, at least I know that weight will be on her side! I gained another 5 pounds which brings my weight up to 143 pounds. I've gained a total of 20 pounds so far! EEK!

My coworker/friend, Liz, threw Rosalyn and I a little baby shower that included the girls from work. We ate at Cheddar's and opened gifts. Ella got a lot of new clothes that are all sooo cute! I can't wait to see her in them. I am so thankful for all of my coworkers. They are so sweet and thoughtful. I truly appreciate all the gifts and I know Ella will get lots of use out of them!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

28 weeks

I'm so excited to be in my 3rd trimester! I absolutely cannot wait to meet this little girl! I have been having some anxiety about her coming...about labor, about money, about being a mommy, etc. It's a little overwhelming when everything REALLY hits you! I just desperately hope that I am a good mommy to her and that she won't keep me up all night every night because I have no choice other than to be a working mom. I wish I could stay at home with her for her first year of life but, as of right now, that is absolutely not an option. I also hope that I can successfully nurse her even though I will be working. I cannot afford to see a lactation consultant so I have been reading books about nursing. If anyone has good suggestions for breastfeeding books, please let me know!

I had my glucose test this morning. The drink wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it was sooo sweet that it hurt my stomach. Fasting for 12 hours and then drinking all that sugar didn't feel too good. I hope that's not a bad sign! When they drew blood from me, the girl had to stick me 3 times! One of those times she just dug around in my arm with the needle trying to find my vein! It was not fun. My arm is super sore now. ugh.

Ellas has been doing great. She's back to her old self...kicking and squirming all the time! She has even begun to interfere with my sleep. Sometimes she kicks me so hard it startles me awake. Sleeping has become a chore for me lately. This belly makes it very difficult to get comfortable. Not to mention, I have had such horrible sinus problems since I've been pregnant that I can't breathe through my nose and I end up laying in a puddle of drool most nights. lol.

Love my baby girl:)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

27 weeks

This is actually my 26 weeks picture.

I went to the doctor last week and everything went just fine. I had several questions about things I had been feeling but he said they were all normal, even the near-fainting spell. He just said I need to take it easy when I feel like that, sit down, drink a glass of water and calm myself.

I gained a whopping 9 POUNDS since my last appointment 5 weeks prior! I was pretty stunned when I saw the number on the scale. My BP is good...120/68. Ella's heartbeat is normal...150 bpm. I have my glucose test scheduled for the 14th and I go back to the doctor on the 22nd, then I'm on the every-two-weeks schedule.

The last few days, Ella hasn't been moving around as much as she normally does. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that I have been extremely active. I'm sure she's fine and if not, we have an ultrasound at our next appointment.

I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for about a week now (that I've noticed.)They aren't painful at all, just weird. My back has been hurting quite a bit, especially when I sit still for long periods of time (20 minutes +). My feet have been killing me. The balls of my feet were actually swollen this morning when I woke up. They feel like there are bruises on the bottom of them. However, I'm actually feeling pretty good. My energy is still high and I'm not feeling sick in any way. My body is just not used to carrying all this weight around.

Can't wait to meet my baby girl!

Monday, June 28, 2010

California trip

On the 18th we flew to Los Molinos, California for Tyler's brother, Zack's wedding and to spend some time with his dad. The wedding was so pretty and it went really well. We got to finally meet Jymee, Zack's wife and their 3 month old daughter, Jaydin. Jaydin is so cute and fat-I love it! It makes me a little sad that they live so far away especially since Ella and Jaydin will be so close in age. We discussed that we should alternate years visiting each other so hopefully we will stick to that.

We were able to spend some time with Tyler's dad (Les) and his girlfriend, Julie. She came to Texas with him for our wedding but we didn't get to spend much time with her. We really enjoyed her company this week. She is so sweet and extremely hospitable! She made our stay so wonderful and was always sure to encourage me to take a nap or rest, which sometimes I stubbornly resist.

We went fishing 3 days. We fished for trout and shad. I caught several trout, a sucker fish, and a striper. Tyler caught several trout and a steelhead. It was fun to fish for a 'foreign' fish. Each fish is so unique and it was interesting to fish for new kinds. I loved trout fishing!

I ate a lot of cheetos the first few days I was there. This has been one of my most consistent cravings throughout my pregnancy. I mostly deny myself but I was on vacation, so whatever! However, my ankles swelled up so badly that they were literally hanging over my ankle socks! This is the first time I have had noticeable swelling. They went down within 2 days though. Then I started eating more fruit for snacks like I'm used to doing:)

I did have a scary experience yesterday. I was in the grocery store when I just started feeling "off." I stopped my cart and began to breathe deeply. Then I all of a sudden broke out into a sweat. I started seeing lots of spots. I got scared so I ditched my cart and booked it through the store and out to my car. The whole time I could barely see. It was as if a grey veil covered my eyes. I got to my car and sat down, thinking I needed to call Tyler and have him take me to the hospital...I was THAT scared! Then as suddenly as it came, I was fine. My vision was clear and I returned to the store and finished shopping. I've been fine ever since. Not sure what that was about but it was scary nonetheless!

Other than that, everything has been good. Ella is moving around all the time and is really starting to pack a punch!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

24 weeks

Update from last post: my sore throat ended up being nothing. I think it was just allergies, not strep throat, thank goodness! I went to San Saba for the weekend and had a really great time hanging out with my family. I'm so glad I went. I ate entirely too much food but I always do when we have family get-togethers! Ella was kicking me so hard that my family could see my belly moving underneath my dress!

Pretty much my entire pregnancy I've been getting nosebleeds everyday. I've read in my pregnancy books and heard from my doctor that this is completely normal. However, I developed a very large bump on the inside of my nose. The last few days I have noticed that almost my entire nasal passage is being blocked by it. I used a penlight to look in there last night and it scared me. I called the doctor this morning to tell him about it and he said it happens to lots of pregnant women. The combination of expanding blood vessels, higher blood and mucus production, and my allergy problems is what is causing this. He gave me a few home remedies to try. When I go back to see him on the 30th, we will touch base about it again. But he doesn't seemed worried at all and told me not to worry. It definitely made me feel better to talk to him about it.

Everything else is going well. I'm feeling bigger and bigger everyday, and Ella is getting stronger all the time! LOVE MY BABY GIRL!

Friday, June 11, 2010

23 weeks

I'm really starting to feel large now! I feel sorry for this shirt...I hope it goes back to normal after today! I've still been doing good, pregnancy-wise. I developed a sore throat yesterday and I'm scared that it might be strep throat. 2 of the kids in my class got it this week as well as my teacher's aide. I'm not running a fever and I don't really feel all that bad. Just very tired and of course, my throat hurts. I'm supposed to go to San Saba this weekend for a family reunion but I'm still undecided. I will make up my mind when I wake up in the morning.

This week I bought Ella a couple of outfits and registered at Target and Walmart. It was a lot of fun registering. I just wish that I could take all of that stuff home with me NOW! I would love to start putting her room together:)

Monday, June 7, 2010

We have a name for babygirl!

We decided last night that her name will be Ella Beth Owen. I am in love with it and her already!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

22 weeks

There has been a slight lag in my posts. We've been so so busy. Last Friday, my little sister graduated high school! Can't believe that this time has come for her! I remember every little detail of the day she was born (from a 6 year old's perspective anyway!) It just doesn't seem like that long ago. I'm so excited for her to embark on this new phase of life. It will be scary and fun and horrible and awesome all at the same time! I know she will do great. Congratulations, Nikki!

The next day I had to turn around and drive back to our house which is 3 hours from my hometown because we moved to a new house. We are still just renting but the house is so much cuter, bigger, and homier than our duplex. It was a horrible weekend because we only had one person help us out for a few hours then it was just Tyler and I for the next 2 and a half days...moving, cleaning, moving, moving, moving! It was incredibly tiring and difficult! This whole week has consisted of me running tons of errands, unpacking, organizing, hanging pictures, etc. It's been a lot of work but the house is finally coming together. Our backyard is about 5 times the size of our old one and it even has horseshoe pits built in. So we went to Walmart and bought a horseshoe set. We played a few rounds Friday evening and I am so sore! It was a lot of fun though. The yard also has a lot of shade and lots of space for our dogs to enjoy.

Thursday night I fell down. I was cleaning a mess off the kitchen floor and when I stood up, my foot slipped on the wet spot and down I went! I scraped my arm on a cabinet and I landed on my knees. It scared me to death! I sobbed and sobbed for the longest time until I felt my baby girl move. My knees are purple and I have this horrible scrape/bruise on my forearm but babygirl seems perfectly fine. I swear she doesn't EVER sleep! She moves all the time! She even made my laptop move last night. She's getting stronger and stronger.

I'm feeling great with TONS of energy! I'm getting to the point where I'm a little nervous about her getting here because of money and the fact that I have NOTHING for her! I only have about 5 outfits and nothing else. I know I will end up getting what she needs but it just makes me realize how soon she will be here!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's a GIRL! read it correctly...GIRL! Wow! I am so excited I seriously cannot wipe this smile off of my face! I have to admit I was very surprised. I thought for sure I was having a boy this entire pregnancy. I guess my mother's intuition hasn't kicked in yet! Before the ultrasound even started Tyler said, "I already know what it is...It's either a boy or a tomboy." I thought that was really cute:) He is in shock though. I feel kinda bad for him since he wanted a boy sooo badly. I keep telling him that a girl can like bows and dresses and pink and still love to go fishing and hunting with her daddy!

I went to several stores today and spent way too much money on some clothes. But who cares? I haven't bought anything for this baby until today! I bought a maroon aTm dress because she has to have a gameday outfit! I also got her a black aTm onesie that says "gig em like a aTm girl" in hot pink. so cute! Then I bought some cute little girlie outfits and a few headbands with bows. Girls are so fun to shop for!

On another note...mommy gained 6 pounds this month. That brings me to 129 pounds. Baby is perfectly healthy. Doctor gave her an A++! She's already a good student! LOVE MY BABY GIRL!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

my birthday

Yesterday was my 24th birthday. I have to admit, I was pretty down-in-the-dumps about it. I'm not really sure why. I'm gonna chalk it up to being pregnancy related. I haven't had any of the pregnancy blues so I guess this was one episode of it. I was a little bummed about turning a year older for one. But the biggest thing (don't judge) was that my bday was on a Saturday, yet I couldn't drink! We didn't have any plans either so I was just blah.

Tyler bought me some Rainbow flip flops that I've been wanting and I got a few cards in the mail so that was nice. Then we went out to lunch. After that, I decided to go wander around Target for a bit. I didn't buy anything but it was nice to just "window shop." But then my friend, Liz called and invited us over for crab legs and shrimp! This just turned my whole day around! I was so excited! We spent the rest of the day over there just hanging out and eating. It was a nice, relaxing day. My bday turned out pretty good:)

3 days until our BIG ultrasound!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Halfway there!

I am 20 weeks today! Not much to report on this week. I'm still feeling great. My belly looks about the same as last week so I'm not taking a picture of it this time. The baby is moving more and more every day.

I started my registry at WalMart this week. I just added a bunch of stuff online...didn't actually go into the store. I was originally going to register at Target but Walmart carries so much of the same stuff for a better price. I might still register at Target for clothes though because Walmart's clothes aren't as cute as Target's.

Boring post this week but next week's should be good...We will find out if we can buy blue or pink!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

makes me smile!

At this very moment I am WATCHING the baby kick! It started moving around so I thought I'd take a look to see if I could actually see the movements...and I can! So cool! I have the biggest smile on my face right now!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

19 weeks

Finally gained some weight. I'm at 125 pounds. 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I also have been feeling the baby move more and more each day. Tyler was able to feel several movements in a row a couple of nights ago. He said it was "weird but cool." lol.

I worked late yesterday and then went shopping at a few places for some new clothes to fit my new body. I got some really great all of you pregnant women out there: Go to Ross! I bought 3 sundresses (not maternity), 2 shirts, and 1 pair of maternity shorts for 70 bucks. They have a lot of really cute dresses. It was very weird seeing myself in those dresses though. I look like a blimp compared to my tiny little pre-pregnancy self! Again I say, I wish I had realized how skinny I was! After all of that, my feet felt like I had a million needles going through the bottoms of them every time I took a step. My ankles were a tad bit swollen after my busy day.

I've still been feeling really great. Still a lot of energy and a healthy appetite! No nausea, no puking. yay! I'm finally enjoying pregnancy:)

13 days until gender determination ultrasound!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

18 weeks

My pants officially don't button anymore! I'm just glad that my belly is the only thing that's growing because my jeans still fit me well enough for me to just unbutton and wear my tummy sleeve to keep them up. I'm dreading buying maternity clothes. For a number of reasons. The biggest reason being MONEY! Any extra money I have I would like to spend on the baby, not ugly clothes that are only going to be worn for a couple of months. ugh.

This week has been good for me. I haven't had any bouts of "morning sickness." I've been eating like crazy and I've been more active around the house. We are moving to our bigger place at the end of this month so I've been doing some packing and organizing.

The baby is still moving like crazy! I feel the little one moving most mornings, after work when I sit down for a few minutes, and in the evenings after my shower. I just LOVE it! I'm addicted:) 19 more days until we find out the gender!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Put the credit card DOWN!

I NEED TO BUY SOME BABY STUFF! I haven't bought anything at all yet and I've been ok with that. But yesterday, I went to Target and when I passed by the baby stuff I kept backtracking and then going forward, about 3 times! I saw this package of bows that was so freakin cute and I thought to myself, "I could buy these now and if we are having a boy, I can gift them." But I came to my senses and just kept walking away from the baby section. GO ME! I still have this urge to buy but I'm just going to keep waiting. 24 days until we find out if I can buy blue or pink!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

17 weeks

Lots to write about this week! On Monday, I felt the baby move for the first time! I think I have felt it a couple of times before but I didn't know for sure what it was. Believe me, though, I KNOW now! It's the most amazing feeling. If I sit still for just a few minutes, I can feel the baby like crazy! I love it. It just puts the biggest smile on my face. It reminds me of just how blessed I am. I haven't loved being pregnant so far because I've been so sick and so tired the entire time but feeling those little movements makes all of that go away. I just can't get enough of it! Tyler was even able to feel it last night! I made him come put his hand on my belly to see if he could feel it, but the baby stopped moving. So Tyler puts his face right next to my belly and says, "Move for your dad," very sternly I might add:) And it did! He said it felt like the baby did a somersalt in there. So cute!

I went to the doctor yesterday for a check up. All is well. I was able to hear the heartbeat for the first time! So neat! It was at a steady 150 beats per minute which is perfect. I could even hear the baby moving while the doctor was trying to get the heartbeat! I have gained 3 pounds since my stomach bug so I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight (123). Technically haven't gained anything yet! I had a long talk with the receptionist at the doctor's office about the expense of carrying/delivering the baby with no insurance and I was appalled at how much it will cost even if everything goes smoothly. I think Tyler and I are going to be in debt forever. I just wish we could catch a break somewhere. We work hard and we save save save but I feel like we can never get ahead! Oh well...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

16 weeks

And the belly grows...

It took me forever to get over that nasty stomach virus. Friday and Saturday I stayed in bed. Sunday I still didn't feel great. Monday and Tuesday I felt better but I was still so worn down from the lack of nutrients in my system. It was really hard to get over. However, yesterday and today have been wonderful. I've been feeling great. I've been in a good mood. And I've had tons of energy! I lost more weight from this little bug and so I'm down to 120 pounds. The baby is still growing obviously, but mommy needs some more food!

I must have really started popping out this week because yesterday, the girls in my class could not stop rubbing my belly! It is so funny...they just can't resist! The boys care nothing for it so far. The old wives' tale says this must mean I'm having a boy, but only God knows for right now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just when I start feeling better....

So I've been out of the constant nausea/throwing up stage for about a month. I've been getting sick just at night for the last month though but I've been dealing with it. However, Thursday night I started throwing up and it didn't stop until last night! ugh! I went to work Friday morning thinking it was just pregnancy related, but I couldn't hold anything down, not even sprite. I went home and it continued and then the fever started. I just layed in bed allll day and took tylenol to reduce my fever. I drank lots of gatorade and even held down some chicken noodle soup last night. I've been feeling a little better today. No throwing up but still not feeling great. So I'm just laying on the couch taking it easy and drinking lots of fluids.

I'm ready to feel better.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

15 weeks

15 weeks

I'm in my 15th week! Out of the first trimester...woohoo! I've still been getting sick at night, losing dinner a few nights a week. But at least it's not constant nausea and running to the bathroom! There for awhile, I didn't know if I could keep doing that!

I still haven't gained any weight but I'm eating more and more each day as my appetite is creeping back up to me. I got my first comment on my baby bump yesterday from someone who knew me but didn't know I was pregnant. It was kind of exciting! I'm so small and it's a little frustrating because I want to see the proof of my efforts! I'm getting there though. I'm sure this next month, my belly will grow like crazy!

One other annoying thing I've encountered is the nosebleed. I've had one nosebleed in my life before pregnancy and now I get them almost everyday. I had 2 just yesterday! yuck!

My energy is definitely coming back! I did tons of laundry, cooked dinner, and cleaned the kitchen yesterday after work. The day before that, I ran some errands and didn't get home until around 5 30 and cooked dinner. This may not seem like much but it's leaps and bounds above what I have been doing since I got pregnant!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ultrasound #2

I had my second ultrasound today. It was so incredibly different from the first. The first time, the baby literally looked like a little blob. You couldn't decipher any body parts. But this time, it was amazing. I could see all the little bones, especially the spine. I could clearly see the outline of the face, the body, arms and legs. The baby even waved at was the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Everything is looking good on my part and the baby's. We are both very healthy. I asked him about my weight, seeing as how I haven't gained a single pound and he was not worried at all. My due date has been adjusted (once again) to October 7. That makes me 14 weeks tomorrow. I cannot explain how happy I am:)

Everyone has been asking about gender....we won't find out until the end of May but I think I already know...

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, I just found out that they denied me for Medicaid after all. I'm not sure why they would send me a Medicaid card for this month and then send me a denial letter, but it's very clear in the letter that I am on my own after this month because we apparently make too much money.

Ok. Come live my life and tell me I have too much money. Please.

I'm so upset and frustrated and scared.

Friday, April 2, 2010

13 weeks

13 weeks
Still no weight gain but you really aren't supposed to gain any weight in your first trimester so I'm good! It's weird that I'm not gaining weight even though my belly is growing but the baby weighs like an ounce or something so I guess it's mostly my expanding uterus. I'm having the hardest time with clothes these days. My pants fit but they are soo uncomfortable when buttoned that I mainly keep them unbuttoned especially if I'm sitting down. I'm nowhere close to needing maternity clothes but my clothes just don't look right on me. I bought several maternity shirts today that are super cute and sooooo comfy! I bought some stretchy capris too. I really don't want to buy any maternity pants.

I have discovered that the baby doesn't like popcorn. I threw up 2 times last week and the common factor was POPCORN. So I'm going to play it safe and stay away from popcorn for awhile. Other than that, I've been feeling great. No nausea. More energy. My allergies have been killing me though. I woke up with a sore throat this morning but I'm brushing it off as just allergies. I'm really hoping that's the case because I'm going to San Saba tonight and I don't want to be sick while I'm there.

I haven't seen my dad since Christmas and I haven't seen my mom, sister, and brother since February. My aunt Audrey and my cousin Heather are going to San Saba too, along with Heather's kids. I'm excited to see them! We are having Easter with Tyler's family on Saturday then mine on Sunday at my great-grandpa's house. Can't wait! I hope everyone has a safe, happy Easter! (and don't forget what we are celebrating!)

Monday, March 29, 2010

There's something in the water...(REALLY!)

I haven't shared this bit of information on my blog yet. I just hadn't thought about writing about it before now...

At work there are 3 of us who are preggers. Myself, the other 3 year old teacher (Rosalyn), and one of the toddler teachers (Maci). Rosalyn is 21 weeks, Maci is 14 weeks, and I am 12 weeks. How freakin weird is that?! I really think Mythbusters needs to do an episode on the saying, "there's something in the water." haha!

Anyway, the main reason I'm writing this is because Rosalyn found out today that she is having a GIRL! I am so excited for her! She was really hoping for a girl and I predicted girl from the get-go. Maybe my instincts will be right about my pregnancy...only time will tell:)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our Anniversary

Today is our one year wedding anniversary and it also marks our 7th year together! Everyone says that the first 2 years of marriage are the hardest...well if it gets easier than this, we've got it in the bag! We've had a wonderful, amazing year together. Lots of changes and lots of uncertainty. We've had to go through some very stressful times with Tyler's job which has been hard. We are still powering through those particular issues and trying to figure out what's best for us. It has shown how awesome our communication skills are and how much we support each other. Our relationship has been great. I love this man more than anything and cannot wait for us to share parenthood with each other.

We slept late this morning and Tyler made french toast when we peeled ourselves out of bed. Then we went to see Alice in Wonderland 3D. Fantastic movie! I heart Johnny Depp:) Since then we've been lounging around, ordered chinese food and we are about to curl up and watch a movie. What a great day with my handsome hubby. I am so lucky to have him!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

First of all, I got a terrible case of "morning sickness" last night. It was awful. I haven't had it in 2 weeks so I guess I'm lucky but MAN, I was sure hoping I was done with that for good! This morning I had a really strange experience. I was almost done getting ready for work and I started feeling very lightheaded, sweaty, and just plain weird. I sat down for a minute and everything seemed fine so I kept getting ready. When I sat down about 5 minutes later to eat my breakfast, I felt the same way. I took a few minutes to concentrate on breathing to soothe myself a little bit and it seemed to work. I went to work and felt fine. Then after about 30 minutes of being at work, I again felt lightheaded, sweaty, and weird but I also started seeing dots (like when you get a head rush.) I've never fainted before but I got this panicked feeling like that's what was going to happen. I made my way to a chair as soon as I could and continued to feel bad for about 10 more minutes. The rest of the day, I've been fine. I have no clue what this was all about. It was a little scary, especially since I have a class of fourteen 3-4 year olds by myself. I kept thinking, what would happen to them if I fainted??!! I hope this does not happen again.

I made my first doctor's appointment today. It's on April 7. I'm really excited to hear the heartbeat. In my ultrasound at the free clinic, I could only see the heartbeat because it was too small to hear. Very excited:)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

11 weeks

I'm 11 weeks today! Everyone around me can't believe how fast time is flying by, but for me, it's d r a g g i n g . I already want to meet my baby so bad:)

I've been feeling great for 2 weeks now. My gag reflex is still pretty sensitive and I get an upset tummy every so often but I'm not throwing up! I'm so glad I'm not feeling so incredibly awful anymore. My energy level is higher. I don't feel like a nap is a matter of life and death!

I still haven't gained any weight. I'm at 123 pounds which is my pre-pregnancy weight. My tummy is poking out a little and my shirts are a little tighter these days. My pants are still fitting me so I'm hoping I will be able to use a tummy sleeve when they don't fit my belly anymore. It would be so nice to limit the amount of maternity clothes to buy.

Not much more to report on today. All is well:)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Huge weight off my shoulders!

Today I had an interview with Medicaid, and I was APPROVED! I'm so excited! Now I feel like I can relax and enjoy being pregnant. The Medicaid program is just so awesome and I am so grateful that the baby will be on it.

I have been doing GREAT lately. My UTI is gone. I got rid of it by simply drinking cranberry juice and tons of water. I'm still on that regimen just to be safe. It's probably the best thing for me, UTI or not. I haven't thrown up or been nauseated in 11 days and my energy level is a lot higher. I'm hoping I won't have to deal with being sick at all anymore. I'm able to eat normally again and I'm ENJOYING food which is a huge deal to me!

The weather seems to be helping my mood quite a bit as well. It's just so nice outside! I can enjoy being at work now instead of counting down the minutes until I can go home. For weeks I just hated being there. My job is pretty fun so it's nice to be able to appreciate that.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Four weeks

Nine weeks

Well I didn't think I was showing at all. I haven't gained any weight. But after looking at the difference in these 2 pictures, I guess I'm showing just a bit! My baby is growing:)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I am about 99% sure I have a urinary tract infection. I bought some cranberry juice and some AZO pills. Does anyone know anything about these? I don't have any health coverage yet so I don't have a doctor, but these pills say to ask a health professional before use if pregnant. Does anyone know if I can take these or if there is something else I can do to get rid of my UTI?

Friday, March 5, 2010


Well...still no insurance. I did send in an online application for Medicaid today since it doesn't look like Tyler's boss is going to come through on this insurance deal. (surprise surprise) My fingers are crossed so tightly that we get approved for Medicaid. I'm just so worried that we won't, and I have NO IDEA what we will do if we don't get it. I have been to the free clinic here in College Station for my ultrasound but they aren't doctors. I haven't seen a real doctor yet and it makes me nervous. Tyler thinks I'm crazy for feeling that way. Does anyone have any insight on this aspect for me? Is it imperative that I see a doctor asap? I read about pregnancy alllll the time. I get plenty of rest. I eat well even though most of it comes up:( I really am taking care of myself soo I dunno...

Update on the pregnancy:

I have been getting sick in the afternoon/evenings the last 3 days. This sucks. I hate puking. It's the worst! The intelligent, logical part of my brain is telling me, "Don't worry about it. This happens to lots of pregnant women. Your baby is fine." The motherly part of me says, "OMG. Is my baby getting enough nutrients?" It seems like my pattern is one good week, one sick week. Weird.

Monday, March 1, 2010

House news

Tyler and I have been looking for houses to rent for about a month now. We live in a duplex currently and have lived here for 4 years. In the last year or so, the neighborhood has really gone downhill. The people we share the duplex with are the loudest, most obnoxious, disrespectful people I have ever encountered. WE HATE THEM. That is, honestly, the biggest reason we want to move. Not only that, but our parking sucks and with the baby coming, we just need more room. We have a very tight budget seeing as how we don't make very much AND we have a baby coming. Needless to say, it's been difficult finding a house that suits our needs and stays within our budget. On Sunday, we went to look at a house and fell in love! It's the cutest thing and much bigger than what we currently have. And the backyard is enormous. I am sooo excited! They even knocked the rent down for us a little since we are expecting a baby:)

Update on the preggy:

I have had 4 good days in a row! No puking, only slight nausea, and a decent amount of energy. It's so nice to feel good again...I just hope it lasts! I did lose 2 pounds from all the "sickness" of last week. That's not good but I'm sure I will get it back!

Friday, February 26, 2010

hurling all the livelong day.

Yep. It's true. This whole week I have been miserable. I have been puking morning noon and night. Soup is about all I can hold down. On top of that, I've had a sore throat the last 2 days. I'm pretty sure it's just my allergies since I can't take my allergy medicine. But it still sucks to have a sore throat.

More bad brother got 4 tickets to the aTm/tu basketball game for Christmas. He was going to take a friend, myself, and my dad. He and I have been super stoked about it! I've never even been to an A&M basketball game. (2 percenter, I know...) Anyway, the game is tomorrow and come to find out, my dad can't get off work so they can't come. I just feel so sorry for my JoeJoe. I really wish I could do something but I just can't drive all the way to San Saba, turn around and come back and then take him home again. Maybe something miraculous will happen by tomorrow but it's not looking good:(

UPDATE: My mom is bringing Joe up here today and we will go to the game together. She has to go back to San Saba tonight though because Nikki is having a friend over to celebrate her birthday. I'm so excited to see everyone! I haven't seen any of them since Christmas:(

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First Ultrasound

I had my first ultrasound today! It was so cool to see my tiny little baby in there! We could see the heartbeat but can't hear it just yet. The heart rate is at 160 beats per minute. Supposedly over 140 means GIRL, under 140 means boy...BUT it's just a wives tale; there aren't any medically proven connections between heart rate and gender. We will just have to wait and see! We also have a more accurate due date: October 9. I am 7 weeks and 3 days today.

I finally feel like I can get excited now! My mom had an experience where she was pregnant but the ultrasound showed no baby. Everything was there except the baby. I was concerned something like that could happen to me. So it was a huge relief to see the little one! (and just one.) haha...

Through all the questions the doctor asked me, she concluded that I am having a normal, healthy pregnancy. It was really good to hear that!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

week 7

This whole week has been great for me. The kids in my class have been on their best behavior and I have had no morning sickness! Food is starting to sound better to me and I'm not quite as picky as I have been. Smells still get me though. I've been incredibly exhausted this week. Around 1 o'clock everyday, I get so tired that I don't even want to move. I wish I could take a nap at that time everyday but I can't because I'm at work...sigh. I physically cannot stay awake past 9 30 at night. I'm such a bum!

I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday at the free clinic here in College Station. (We are still waiting on insurance.) I'm hoping they can tell me something about allergy relief. I have a constant runny nose, I'm sneezing all the time, and I started having horrible sinus headaches 2 days ago. UGH.

Today, I am going to a bridal show with my friend Katie who is getting married next May. I wanted to dress cute but I couldn't button my jeans this morning!!!!!! What is up with that? I'm only 7 weeks. I haven't weighed myself in about a week and a half so I'm not sure if I've gained, but surely not! It must just be bloat but it still bummed me out. Nothing to wear, nothing to wear. Tear...

Yesterday, I went with Katie to do some dress shopping. We had a good time catching up. We haven't seen each other in probably 3 or 4 months. Her ring is beautiful-->Good job, Philip! And she looked gorgeous in all of the dresses she tried on. She has a tough decision on her hands!

Good luck finding a dress, Katiebug! I love you!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day, everyone! Tyler reminded me this morning that this would be our last V-day just the 2 of us so we decided to take advantage of it! We had muffins for breakfast and I gave Tyler his gift-guitar strings. I know that sounds lame but he was excited:) Then we layed around the house until about 11. We went to Cheddar's for lunch then headed to the mall. Tyler had some gift cards he needed to spend so he got some new jeans. Then he took me to the maternity store where he bought me a few shirts. Now we are just relaxing and this evening we will have steaks for dinner. YUM! What a great day of spending some quality time together!

I'm feeling pretty good today although the feeling of nausea doesn't ever fully leave me. I was exhausted yesterday and just layed around the house all day. I really needed that! I even got to sleep late!

I hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day and remembering all the people that they love!

Friday, February 12, 2010

First Blog

Tyler and I just found out we are having a baby! I had been feeling some severe tenderness in my breasts for about a week and then my period was late and the rest is history! I am 6 weeks pregnant, due on October 6, 2010. I was quite overwhelmed by emotion at first. I was totally excited of course but it was unexpected and therefore, a little shocking. Tyler was pretty overwhelmed too. The first thing he said was, "Well, I guess I'm not getting a bass boat." Silly boys...

We are both very excited though and just a tad bit scared. The paperwork for our insurance through Tyler's work had been put through just before we found out I was pregnant. According to Tyler's boss, it's supposed to go into effect by the end of this month. If it doesn't come through for whatever reason, we are screwed. We make too much money for Medicaid but not enough to afford our own insurance...the system sucks for lower middle class people. I am really trying not to focus on that. Whatever happens happens. It will all work out. Like my dad says, "It's just money."

Speaking of my dad, I think he (as well as my mom) are pretty stoked about my pregnancy. Ok...that's a huge understatement. 5 seconds after I told my parents I was pregnant, Dad was already texting everyone we know! I'm so glad that my parents, as well as Tyler's parents, are so supportive and excited for us. This will be the first grandchild for my parents, the first for Tyler's mom, and the second for Tyler's dad-->Tyler's half brother on his Dad's side, Zack, is having a little girl next month.

I had my first episode of morning sickness on Wednesday of this week. NO FUN! Thursday was better but my sense of smell isn't my friend anymore...I was changing a dirty diaper and it made me gag. I turned to the trashcan in case I needed to throw up and the scent of other dirty diapers enveloped my nostrils can guess what that led to. Today, I have felt good! Tired, but good. I've been steadily nauseated for about a week now which sucks! Eating is normally one of my favorite passtimes. I really enjoy and appreciate food. But now, nothing sounds good, tastes good, or smells good. After 2 or 3 bites I feel like vomiting. I dread eating. However, I have been doing a great job of eating fairly healthily. Lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains for me! And I've been eating lots of mini meals which is supposed to be better on a nauseated prego tummy than big meals.

That's enough for today but I'm super excited about this pregnancy and will probably bore you to death with every little detail of it! Enjoy! :)