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Friday, February 26, 2010

hurling all the livelong day.

Yep. It's true. This whole week I have been miserable. I have been puking morning noon and night. Soup is about all I can hold down. On top of that, I've had a sore throat the last 2 days. I'm pretty sure it's just my allergies since I can't take my allergy medicine. But it still sucks to have a sore throat.

More bad brother got 4 tickets to the aTm/tu basketball game for Christmas. He was going to take a friend, myself, and my dad. He and I have been super stoked about it! I've never even been to an A&M basketball game. (2 percenter, I know...) Anyway, the game is tomorrow and come to find out, my dad can't get off work so they can't come. I just feel so sorry for my JoeJoe. I really wish I could do something but I just can't drive all the way to San Saba, turn around and come back and then take him home again. Maybe something miraculous will happen by tomorrow but it's not looking good:(

UPDATE: My mom is bringing Joe up here today and we will go to the game together. She has to go back to San Saba tonight though because Nikki is having a friend over to celebrate her birthday. I'm so excited to see everyone! I haven't seen any of them since Christmas:(

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First Ultrasound

I had my first ultrasound today! It was so cool to see my tiny little baby in there! We could see the heartbeat but can't hear it just yet. The heart rate is at 160 beats per minute. Supposedly over 140 means GIRL, under 140 means boy...BUT it's just a wives tale; there aren't any medically proven connections between heart rate and gender. We will just have to wait and see! We also have a more accurate due date: October 9. I am 7 weeks and 3 days today.

I finally feel like I can get excited now! My mom had an experience where she was pregnant but the ultrasound showed no baby. Everything was there except the baby. I was concerned something like that could happen to me. So it was a huge relief to see the little one! (and just one.) haha...

Through all the questions the doctor asked me, she concluded that I am having a normal, healthy pregnancy. It was really good to hear that!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

week 7

This whole week has been great for me. The kids in my class have been on their best behavior and I have had no morning sickness! Food is starting to sound better to me and I'm not quite as picky as I have been. Smells still get me though. I've been incredibly exhausted this week. Around 1 o'clock everyday, I get so tired that I don't even want to move. I wish I could take a nap at that time everyday but I can't because I'm at work...sigh. I physically cannot stay awake past 9 30 at night. I'm such a bum!

I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday at the free clinic here in College Station. (We are still waiting on insurance.) I'm hoping they can tell me something about allergy relief. I have a constant runny nose, I'm sneezing all the time, and I started having horrible sinus headaches 2 days ago. UGH.

Today, I am going to a bridal show with my friend Katie who is getting married next May. I wanted to dress cute but I couldn't button my jeans this morning!!!!!! What is up with that? I'm only 7 weeks. I haven't weighed myself in about a week and a half so I'm not sure if I've gained, but surely not! It must just be bloat but it still bummed me out. Nothing to wear, nothing to wear. Tear...

Yesterday, I went with Katie to do some dress shopping. We had a good time catching up. We haven't seen each other in probably 3 or 4 months. Her ring is beautiful-->Good job, Philip! And she looked gorgeous in all of the dresses she tried on. She has a tough decision on her hands!

Good luck finding a dress, Katiebug! I love you!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day, everyone! Tyler reminded me this morning that this would be our last V-day just the 2 of us so we decided to take advantage of it! We had muffins for breakfast and I gave Tyler his gift-guitar strings. I know that sounds lame but he was excited:) Then we layed around the house until about 11. We went to Cheddar's for lunch then headed to the mall. Tyler had some gift cards he needed to spend so he got some new jeans. Then he took me to the maternity store where he bought me a few shirts. Now we are just relaxing and this evening we will have steaks for dinner. YUM! What a great day of spending some quality time together!

I'm feeling pretty good today although the feeling of nausea doesn't ever fully leave me. I was exhausted yesterday and just layed around the house all day. I really needed that! I even got to sleep late!

I hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day and remembering all the people that they love!

Friday, February 12, 2010

First Blog

Tyler and I just found out we are having a baby! I had been feeling some severe tenderness in my breasts for about a week and then my period was late and the rest is history! I am 6 weeks pregnant, due on October 6, 2010. I was quite overwhelmed by emotion at first. I was totally excited of course but it was unexpected and therefore, a little shocking. Tyler was pretty overwhelmed too. The first thing he said was, "Well, I guess I'm not getting a bass boat." Silly boys...

We are both very excited though and just a tad bit scared. The paperwork for our insurance through Tyler's work had been put through just before we found out I was pregnant. According to Tyler's boss, it's supposed to go into effect by the end of this month. If it doesn't come through for whatever reason, we are screwed. We make too much money for Medicaid but not enough to afford our own insurance...the system sucks for lower middle class people. I am really trying not to focus on that. Whatever happens happens. It will all work out. Like my dad says, "It's just money."

Speaking of my dad, I think he (as well as my mom) are pretty stoked about my pregnancy. Ok...that's a huge understatement. 5 seconds after I told my parents I was pregnant, Dad was already texting everyone we know! I'm so glad that my parents, as well as Tyler's parents, are so supportive and excited for us. This will be the first grandchild for my parents, the first for Tyler's mom, and the second for Tyler's dad-->Tyler's half brother on his Dad's side, Zack, is having a little girl next month.

I had my first episode of morning sickness on Wednesday of this week. NO FUN! Thursday was better but my sense of smell isn't my friend anymore...I was changing a dirty diaper and it made me gag. I turned to the trashcan in case I needed to throw up and the scent of other dirty diapers enveloped my nostrils can guess what that led to. Today, I have felt good! Tired, but good. I've been steadily nauseated for about a week now which sucks! Eating is normally one of my favorite passtimes. I really enjoy and appreciate food. But now, nothing sounds good, tastes good, or smells good. After 2 or 3 bites I feel like vomiting. I dread eating. However, I have been doing a great job of eating fairly healthily. Lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains for me! And I've been eating lots of mini meals which is supposed to be better on a nauseated prego tummy than big meals.

That's enough for today but I'm super excited about this pregnancy and will probably bore you to death with every little detail of it! Enjoy! :)