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Monday, March 29, 2010

There's something in the water...(REALLY!)

I haven't shared this bit of information on my blog yet. I just hadn't thought about writing about it before now...

At work there are 3 of us who are preggers. Myself, the other 3 year old teacher (Rosalyn), and one of the toddler teachers (Maci). Rosalyn is 21 weeks, Maci is 14 weeks, and I am 12 weeks. How freakin weird is that?! I really think Mythbusters needs to do an episode on the saying, "there's something in the water." haha!

Anyway, the main reason I'm writing this is because Rosalyn found out today that she is having a GIRL! I am so excited for her! She was really hoping for a girl and I predicted girl from the get-go. Maybe my instincts will be right about my pregnancy...only time will tell:)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Our Anniversary

Today is our one year wedding anniversary and it also marks our 7th year together! Everyone says that the first 2 years of marriage are the hardest...well if it gets easier than this, we've got it in the bag! We've had a wonderful, amazing year together. Lots of changes and lots of uncertainty. We've had to go through some very stressful times with Tyler's job which has been hard. We are still powering through those particular issues and trying to figure out what's best for us. It has shown how awesome our communication skills are and how much we support each other. Our relationship has been great. I love this man more than anything and cannot wait for us to share parenthood with each other.

We slept late this morning and Tyler made french toast when we peeled ourselves out of bed. Then we went to see Alice in Wonderland 3D. Fantastic movie! I heart Johnny Depp:) Since then we've been lounging around, ordered chinese food and we are about to curl up and watch a movie. What a great day with my handsome hubby. I am so lucky to have him!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

First of all, I got a terrible case of "morning sickness" last night. It was awful. I haven't had it in 2 weeks so I guess I'm lucky but MAN, I was sure hoping I was done with that for good! This morning I had a really strange experience. I was almost done getting ready for work and I started feeling very lightheaded, sweaty, and just plain weird. I sat down for a minute and everything seemed fine so I kept getting ready. When I sat down about 5 minutes later to eat my breakfast, I felt the same way. I took a few minutes to concentrate on breathing to soothe myself a little bit and it seemed to work. I went to work and felt fine. Then after about 30 minutes of being at work, I again felt lightheaded, sweaty, and weird but I also started seeing dots (like when you get a head rush.) I've never fainted before but I got this panicked feeling like that's what was going to happen. I made my way to a chair as soon as I could and continued to feel bad for about 10 more minutes. The rest of the day, I've been fine. I have no clue what this was all about. It was a little scary, especially since I have a class of fourteen 3-4 year olds by myself. I kept thinking, what would happen to them if I fainted??!! I hope this does not happen again.

I made my first doctor's appointment today. It's on April 7. I'm really excited to hear the heartbeat. In my ultrasound at the free clinic, I could only see the heartbeat because it was too small to hear. Very excited:)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

11 weeks

I'm 11 weeks today! Everyone around me can't believe how fast time is flying by, but for me, it's d r a g g i n g . I already want to meet my baby so bad:)

I've been feeling great for 2 weeks now. My gag reflex is still pretty sensitive and I get an upset tummy every so often but I'm not throwing up! I'm so glad I'm not feeling so incredibly awful anymore. My energy level is higher. I don't feel like a nap is a matter of life and death!

I still haven't gained any weight. I'm at 123 pounds which is my pre-pregnancy weight. My tummy is poking out a little and my shirts are a little tighter these days. My pants are still fitting me so I'm hoping I will be able to use a tummy sleeve when they don't fit my belly anymore. It would be so nice to limit the amount of maternity clothes to buy.

Not much more to report on today. All is well:)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Huge weight off my shoulders!

Today I had an interview with Medicaid, and I was APPROVED! I'm so excited! Now I feel like I can relax and enjoy being pregnant. The Medicaid program is just so awesome and I am so grateful that the baby will be on it.

I have been doing GREAT lately. My UTI is gone. I got rid of it by simply drinking cranberry juice and tons of water. I'm still on that regimen just to be safe. It's probably the best thing for me, UTI or not. I haven't thrown up or been nauseated in 11 days and my energy level is a lot higher. I'm hoping I won't have to deal with being sick at all anymore. I'm able to eat normally again and I'm ENJOYING food which is a huge deal to me!

The weather seems to be helping my mood quite a bit as well. It's just so nice outside! I can enjoy being at work now instead of counting down the minutes until I can go home. For weeks I just hated being there. My job is pretty fun so it's nice to be able to appreciate that.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Four weeks

Nine weeks

Well I didn't think I was showing at all. I haven't gained any weight. But after looking at the difference in these 2 pictures, I guess I'm showing just a bit! My baby is growing:)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I am about 99% sure I have a urinary tract infection. I bought some cranberry juice and some AZO pills. Does anyone know anything about these? I don't have any health coverage yet so I don't have a doctor, but these pills say to ask a health professional before use if pregnant. Does anyone know if I can take these or if there is something else I can do to get rid of my UTI?

Friday, March 5, 2010


Well...still no insurance. I did send in an online application for Medicaid today since it doesn't look like Tyler's boss is going to come through on this insurance deal. (surprise surprise) My fingers are crossed so tightly that we get approved for Medicaid. I'm just so worried that we won't, and I have NO IDEA what we will do if we don't get it. I have been to the free clinic here in College Station for my ultrasound but they aren't doctors. I haven't seen a real doctor yet and it makes me nervous. Tyler thinks I'm crazy for feeling that way. Does anyone have any insight on this aspect for me? Is it imperative that I see a doctor asap? I read about pregnancy alllll the time. I get plenty of rest. I eat well even though most of it comes up:( I really am taking care of myself soo I dunno...

Update on the pregnancy:

I have been getting sick in the afternoon/evenings the last 3 days. This sucks. I hate puking. It's the worst! The intelligent, logical part of my brain is telling me, "Don't worry about it. This happens to lots of pregnant women. Your baby is fine." The motherly part of me says, "OMG. Is my baby getting enough nutrients?" It seems like my pattern is one good week, one sick week. Weird.

Monday, March 1, 2010

House news

Tyler and I have been looking for houses to rent for about a month now. We live in a duplex currently and have lived here for 4 years. In the last year or so, the neighborhood has really gone downhill. The people we share the duplex with are the loudest, most obnoxious, disrespectful people I have ever encountered. WE HATE THEM. That is, honestly, the biggest reason we want to move. Not only that, but our parking sucks and with the baby coming, we just need more room. We have a very tight budget seeing as how we don't make very much AND we have a baby coming. Needless to say, it's been difficult finding a house that suits our needs and stays within our budget. On Sunday, we went to look at a house and fell in love! It's the cutest thing and much bigger than what we currently have. And the backyard is enormous. I am sooo excited! They even knocked the rent down for us a little since we are expecting a baby:)

Update on the preggy:

I have had 4 good days in a row! No puking, only slight nausea, and a decent amount of energy. It's so nice to feel good again...I just hope it lasts! I did lose 2 pounds from all the "sickness" of last week. That's not good but I'm sure I will get it back!