Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's a GIRL! read it correctly...GIRL! Wow! I am so excited I seriously cannot wipe this smile off of my face! I have to admit I was very surprised. I thought for sure I was having a boy this entire pregnancy. I guess my mother's intuition hasn't kicked in yet! Before the ultrasound even started Tyler said, "I already know what it is...It's either a boy or a tomboy." I thought that was really cute:) He is in shock though. I feel kinda bad for him since he wanted a boy sooo badly. I keep telling him that a girl can like bows and dresses and pink and still love to go fishing and hunting with her daddy!

I went to several stores today and spent way too much money on some clothes. But who cares? I haven't bought anything for this baby until today! I bought a maroon aTm dress because she has to have a gameday outfit! I also got her a black aTm onesie that says "gig em like a aTm girl" in hot pink. so cute! Then I bought some cute little girlie outfits and a few headbands with bows. Girls are so fun to shop for!

On another note...mommy gained 6 pounds this month. That brings me to 129 pounds. Baby is perfectly healthy. Doctor gave her an A++! She's already a good student! LOVE MY BABY GIRL!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

my birthday

Yesterday was my 24th birthday. I have to admit, I was pretty down-in-the-dumps about it. I'm not really sure why. I'm gonna chalk it up to being pregnancy related. I haven't had any of the pregnancy blues so I guess this was one episode of it. I was a little bummed about turning a year older for one. But the biggest thing (don't judge) was that my bday was on a Saturday, yet I couldn't drink! We didn't have any plans either so I was just blah.

Tyler bought me some Rainbow flip flops that I've been wanting and I got a few cards in the mail so that was nice. Then we went out to lunch. After that, I decided to go wander around Target for a bit. I didn't buy anything but it was nice to just "window shop." But then my friend, Liz called and invited us over for crab legs and shrimp! This just turned my whole day around! I was so excited! We spent the rest of the day over there just hanging out and eating. It was a nice, relaxing day. My bday turned out pretty good:)

3 days until our BIG ultrasound!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Halfway there!

I am 20 weeks today! Not much to report on this week. I'm still feeling great. My belly looks about the same as last week so I'm not taking a picture of it this time. The baby is moving more and more every day.

I started my registry at WalMart this week. I just added a bunch of stuff online...didn't actually go into the store. I was originally going to register at Target but Walmart carries so much of the same stuff for a better price. I might still register at Target for clothes though because Walmart's clothes aren't as cute as Target's.

Boring post this week but next week's should be good...We will find out if we can buy blue or pink!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

makes me smile!

At this very moment I am WATCHING the baby kick! It started moving around so I thought I'd take a look to see if I could actually see the movements...and I can! So cool! I have the biggest smile on my face right now!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

19 weeks

Finally gained some weight. I'm at 125 pounds. 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I also have been feeling the baby move more and more each day. Tyler was able to feel several movements in a row a couple of nights ago. He said it was "weird but cool." lol.

I worked late yesterday and then went shopping at a few places for some new clothes to fit my new body. I got some really great all of you pregnant women out there: Go to Ross! I bought 3 sundresses (not maternity), 2 shirts, and 1 pair of maternity shorts for 70 bucks. They have a lot of really cute dresses. It was very weird seeing myself in those dresses though. I look like a blimp compared to my tiny little pre-pregnancy self! Again I say, I wish I had realized how skinny I was! After all of that, my feet felt like I had a million needles going through the bottoms of them every time I took a step. My ankles were a tad bit swollen after my busy day.

I've still been feeling really great. Still a lot of energy and a healthy appetite! No nausea, no puking. yay! I'm finally enjoying pregnancy:)

13 days until gender determination ultrasound!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

18 weeks

My pants officially don't button anymore! I'm just glad that my belly is the only thing that's growing because my jeans still fit me well enough for me to just unbutton and wear my tummy sleeve to keep them up. I'm dreading buying maternity clothes. For a number of reasons. The biggest reason being MONEY! Any extra money I have I would like to spend on the baby, not ugly clothes that are only going to be worn for a couple of months. ugh.

This week has been good for me. I haven't had any bouts of "morning sickness." I've been eating like crazy and I've been more active around the house. We are moving to our bigger place at the end of this month so I've been doing some packing and organizing.

The baby is still moving like crazy! I feel the little one moving most mornings, after work when I sit down for a few minutes, and in the evenings after my shower. I just LOVE it! I'm addicted:) 19 more days until we find out the gender!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Put the credit card DOWN!

I NEED TO BUY SOME BABY STUFF! I haven't bought anything at all yet and I've been ok with that. But yesterday, I went to Target and when I passed by the baby stuff I kept backtracking and then going forward, about 3 times! I saw this package of bows that was so freakin cute and I thought to myself, "I could buy these now and if we are having a boy, I can gift them." But I came to my senses and just kept walking away from the baby section. GO ME! I still have this urge to buy but I'm just going to keep waiting. 24 days until we find out if I can buy blue or pink!