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Friday, November 5, 2010

First smile!

I finally made my girl smile in response to me! I was just looking at how cute she is so I got the camera. Apparently she likes the camera because she started smiling when I was trying to get her to look at it! It happened 3 times before I could get a good shot. Beautiful girl!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Tyler has been having problems at his job for a couple of years now but we have just stuck it out for personal reasons. Since Ella was born, though, Tyler has worked maybe 2 or 3 days, so we knew it was time to make a change. Tyler's cousin, Will, has been wanting Tyler to go trucking with him for awhile now but we hadn't taken him up on the offer because we didn't really want to move. However, desperate times call for desperate measures so Tyler has started trucking as of today.

I have been pretty upset about all of this for a lot of reasons.
1. I'm not a fan of moving.
2. I don't want to leave all of my friends.
3. I like my job.
4. I love College Station.
5. Tyler will be gone a lot.
6. My hormones are still out of whack. lol.

We went to San Saba this last weekend to figure out where we would live and we lucked out! We found the cutest little house in Cherokee for next to nothing. I am so excited about this! It's about 20 minutes from my parents' house and 5 minutes from Tyler's parents' house. The holidays are going to be so much easier since we won't have to travel. So nice! Everything seems to be working out so far and it makes me feel a little better. But when I came home to College Station yesterday without Tyler, I felt this sense of emptiness. Our family just doesn't feel whole without him. I miss him so much already. This will be hard for us but I think it's what is best for now. If I can get a teaching job in August, he can afford to take a pay cut if he has to in order to work somewhere in town.

Since Tyler isn't here, I am having to pack up everything and tie up our loose ends here by myself and so far, I'm not being very successful. It's so hard to get anything done when I have Ella to look after. She is all-consuming! I am praying so hard for the strength to get through all of this. I know it will be great for us in the long run. Being near your family is priceless.

Oh yeah...went to the doctor today for my post-partum checkup and I have been cleared to resume normal activities. I've never been so excited to have someone tell me I can exercise! I just can't wait to get rid of this flab and the extra 15 pounds I still need to lose from pregnancy. Wish me luck!

ER visit

This is a little late because I've been so busy but here is our scary story!

We went to the doctor on October 20 for her 2 week check up. I tried to feed her right before we went but she was soo asleep and wouldn't eat so of course when we get there she is screaming because she's so hungry. The doctor commented on her bloated belly and said that if it got worse to call. I mentioned that the day before she had been projectile spitting up but again, she said it was ok but if it continued, to bring her back in. I let her snack a little and then we had to go to the lab so they could do the little heel stick. That set her off again and she just cried and cried so much!

When we got home, I changed her diaper and she began to projectile vomit. Not spit up, VOMIT. She then began to throw up stomach acid. My poor little baby looked like she was foaming at the mouth! When she ran out of things to throw up she started dry heaving. I didn't know what to do, couldn't make her stop. I was terrified. I thought she was dying, seriously. I called my mom because I didn't know what else to do and she said to call the doctor so I did. They put me on hold FOREVER after I told them what was going on. They could hear her screaming and still put me on hold for the longest time. Then they tell me to just take her to the emergency room. Well that freaked me out even more. I hysterically call Tyler and tell him I'm on my way to the ER with Ella and he says he's on his way. By the time we get there, she's sleeping and seems just fine. She had no fever or anything. We sit in the ER for 2 hours before we see a doctor. He asks a few questions and then orders an ultrasound. We wait 2 more hours for that. The ultrasound showed that all her little organs are working just fine. The doctor concludes...nothing.

I think that she must have just worked herself up so much at the doctor's office for her checkup that she made herself sick. That's the only thing I can think of. That combined with gas...she has gas issues. We haven't had any problems since. I kinda felt stupid for taking her up there just to find out that nothing's wrong but I'm glad she's ok. I would rather be safe than sorry! I just hope I never have anything like that happen again!