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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

doctor appt

Went to the doctor today for my regular checkup. Everything was good, as usual. I'm so so blessed! My bp was at 104/56 which I thought was low but apparently my bp has just been a little high the whole time I've been pregnant. Ella's heartbeat was at 135 bpm.

I asked if there was anything I could do about my horribly painful feet and hands and he said it will just gradually go away once she's born. blah. I've also been having this burning sensation right underneath my breasts and at the top of my belly. It's extremely uncomfortable...kinda feels like a sunburn from the inside out. But it's another one of those things I have to suffer through until she is here. I go to the doctor again in 2 weeks for one last ultrasound and then we will discuss labor and delivery options! YAY!!!!!!!

One thing I am not happy about is what that darn scale told me! I'm at 152 pounds! That's a gain of 6 freakin pounds in 2 weeks! What the heck am I doing??!! I'm so afraid of how fat I'm going to be after Ella is born! My total gain is up to 29 pounds now. yuck.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

34 weeks

I have had a ton of swelling this week! My feet have looked like balloons for 5 straight days now. And my hands continue to be swollen and extremely painful. I took a nap yesterday afternoon and when I woke up, I was in so much pain I just started crying! I didn't want to put my feet on the floor or wiggle my fingers because I knew how badly it would hurt. I know I'm blessed to be pregnant but can't it be over yet?!

I had the weirdest dream last boobs started pulsating and then shot out milk all the way up to the ceiling! All the while I'm just freaking out, trying to stop it! So strange!

Not much else to report on this week....6 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

33 weeks

I've been having a ton of contractions the last few days. Monday they were 20 mins apart, Tuesday they were 15 minutes apart, and today they have been 10 minutes apart. I went to the doctor today and he said that as long as they aren't hurting, then I'm fine. I just need to be resting more and staying off of my feet more. yeah...ok. It's impossible to do that when you have my job! That's what I normally love most about my job...the fact that I'm busy all the time and always active. But now it's getting so difficult for me and it's obviously getting harder for my body to handle. I really don't know how to "take it easy." Even at home, I am always running errands, cooking dinner, cleaning, doing laundry. If I don't do it, it won't get done. Trust me, that's exactly what happened during my first trimester when I was puking every 5 minutes. I didn't clean or cook and so it didn't get done. ugh. I just feel like I have too much on my plate right now. I'm feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.

On a brighter note, Ella's heartbeat was in the 140's. My bp was normal at 120/72. I only gained a pound and a half since my last appointment bringing me to 146.5 and a grand total gain of 23.5 pounds.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

32 weeks

This last week has been a pretty crazy time in our lives. We unfortunately had to attend the funeral of Tyler's maternal grandma who was one of the most amazing women I've ever known. My heart breaks for his family and for our little Ella who will never know Mamie.

I suffered some pretty severe swelling in my feet and ankles over the weekend. My shoes were cutting into my feet! It was terrible. However, once I started the work week, they went down and haven't ballooned up again. I would think being on my feet so much at work would make them worse but it had the opposite effect for which I am grateful! My hands continue to be swollen and sore though.

Ella has been getting the hiccups for the last couple of weeks. I have forgotten to mention it here. Last night I couldn't fall asleep because she had them consistently for about an hour!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

31 weeks

Went to the doctor today and everything was fine. I gained 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks...I'm at 145 now. My bp was 110/62. Lower than last time which is good...and kinda surprising since I've had a HORRIBLE day! Tyler's grandma suddenly passed away this morning and then I had an awful day at work. My kids gave me such a hard time that I ended up bawling my eyes out around 1:30 this afternoon. I've NEVER done that and I've worked in childcare for 4 years! It was just terrible. I'm so glad it's over. I hope tomorrow is better. We have to drive to San Saba/Brownwood tomorrow afternoon to deal with family stuff in regards to Tyler's grandmother's death, which means I will not be able to attend the childbirth class I have scheduled for Saturday. It's at the free clinic and I can't afford to pay for a childbirth class so I'm screwed on that deal...

We are having a really hard time with money as well. We made enough money this month to pay our bills but we don't have any left to pay for groceries or the doctor. So we have to dip into the miniscule amount of money we have in savings.

We are havind a very hard week. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.