Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 10, 2014


On Tuesday we had our anatomy scan ultrasound at the llano hospital. I thought I might die if they didn't let me to to the bathroom. They made me drink 32 oz of water and hold my bladder and it was just absolute torture and pain. I didn't do this with Ella so I didn't realize how terrible it would be! The baby was measuring at 20 weeks 2 days which was 2 days ahead...right on track. She didn't discuss much of the ultrasound results with me but said my doctor would talk more about it at my next appointment. She was able to tell me that we are having a GIRL! Another sweet little sassy beautiful princess! We are all very excited in the Owen household. Ella is the most excited. She can't contain her smiles!

Today I met with my dr to discuss the anatomy scan and do a follow up ultrasound. I was excited to see my baby girl today. She was in perfect position to get some great pictures. On Tuesday she was curled up in a ball snuggled up to my placenta so she was difficult to see. We were able to see her wave a few times, got some shots of her face and a very good view of her profile. In her profile picture she has her hand in her mouth. Ella thought it was very cool to see her sister waving at us! The doctor says everything is going well. I'm progressing well as is the baby. He did tell me to stop picking Ella up because it can cause preterm labor .  That will be difficult but Ella needs to start walking more and being more independent with the new baby coming anyway. The baby's heartbeat was at 160 bpm today. My bp was a little on the low side of average. I gained 3 pounds in the last 5 weeks which is the first time I've actually gained anything. I feel like that part is going well. I am so excited about my baby girl. It's finally becoming real that our family is growing and that in 4 short months we will be snuggling with a precious baby girl!

Friday, April 4, 2014


I love sharing things that Ella comes up with. She is very funny and super smart. She makes me laugh all the time and I want to share the love!

"I don't need a jacket outside. Cowgirls don't get cold."

Ella: Mom, who will be my prince's true love?
Me: I don't know.
Ella: Me! I'm his true love!
Me: Who is your prince?
Ella: I haven't found him yet. He will be the tallest one in the kingdom!

"I'm going to be a step-mom when I grow up."

"Mom, your hair looks weird today. Look at me. Yep, weird."

Mimi: Ella, is your mommy's tummy getting big?
Ella: Mimi! Don't say that. You're not supposed to say that. (She was remembering that I told her telling someone they're fat is not nice.)

More to come another day!

Reunited and it feels so good!

I rediscovered coffee today, people! Rejoice! I have always loved coffee up until I got pregnant this time. At first it was because I couldn't have caffeine so I decided to buy some decaf. It just wasn't the same. Then I began having food/drink aversions and couldn't stand the taste of coffee. I took a break from it for awhile but had a craving this morning. I brewed myself some decaf and it is delicious. I don't think there is anything more relaxing than coffee. I know it's supposed to give you energy but I don't drink enough of it to feel that side effect. I just love the feeling of that warm liquid sliding down my throat. So yummy. Here's to many more mornings that begin with COFFEE!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Blogging it up again!

Hellooooo everyone! It's been awhile! It's been so long since my last post, I'm not even sure where to start. I guess I'll begin with me. I finally landed my dream job as an elementary language arts teacher. I teach grades 3-5 in Cherokee. Our classes are very small so there are only about 10 kids per grade level. I am finishing up my second school year here as we speak. I absolutely love it. The kids are great and I get along so well with the teachers on my team.

The other members of my family are doing great as well. Tyler is working for North San Saba Water Services. He likes it most of the time but he complains a bit when there's a massive water leak and it's 30 degrees outside...I probably would too:) Ella is growing like crazy! She is 3 years old and is the sassiest, smartest, most beautiful girl in the world! She is very challenging as she has been since day one. She has yet to sleep through the night in her 3 years of life and now gets out of her bed in the middle of the night (every SINGLE night) and crawls in bed with us. She is a little genius and it sometimes makes me nervous! Her favorite activities are drawing, coloring, and riding her 4 wheeler. She also loves loves LOVES movies...her current favorites that we watch over and over are Little Mermaid and Frozen. She weighs in at 32 pounds and is 39 inches tall.

Ok, now back to me:) I am 19 weeks pregnant with our second child and I am due on August 26. We are so very excited about our new little addition. Ella is ready to be a big sister. She kisses and hugs my belly and likes to sing to the baby as well as give the baby "zerberts." She asks me almost daily when the baby is coming out. Even though my due date is the second day of school, I know everything will work out fine. It will be challenging not being in school the first few weeks but my students are resilient and understanding. With all the technology out there, I'm sure I can make videos, skype, etc. and make my absence count.

My pregnancy is going well. I have to say it is going very differently that my first pregnancy went. I was so sick with Ella all day every day for so long. The fatigue and pregnancy blues really took a toll on me. This time, I have tons of energy and have only gotten sick a few times. Between 10 and 15 weeks was the worst. I would throw up 2-3 times a week but it was only at night. And it would leave me as soon as it came on. Since then though, I have been feeling great. My belly is really growing. I was a little nervous about my belly growth at first because I started showing so much sooner than I did with Ella but now it's evened out a little and I'm about the same size that I was with her. I began feeling the baby move about 2 weeks ago and am noticing a movement pattern now. The baby moves around lunch time and again around 8-9 PM. We will find out the gender of the baby on Tuesday, just 6 days away! Can't wait!